It has high covering power.
Its adherence is high.
It is matte. It is flexible. Easy to apply.
It is water-based, odorless. It is environmentally friendly.
It minimizes heating and cooling costs with its low Thermal Conductivity value.
Thanks to its chemistry cross-linking with UV, it has very effective dirt holding resistance.
It keeps your rooms warm in winter and cold in summer. It lowers the overall temperature of the building.
The thermal comfort of the buildings increases.
It indirectly reduces carbon dioxide emissions by reducing the energy consumed for cooling.
It can be easily applied on all horizontal and vertical surfaces.
It does not bring big loads to your building. Its mechanical strength is very high .
It reduces the need for continuous painting and insulation of roofs.
With its waterproof structure, it prevents water leaks on the facades, and with its breathing ability, it prevents the formation of moisture
and dampness on the interior.
Terrace roof, trapezoidal sheet, corrugated and non-corrugated roofing sheets
Plastered surface, asbestos panel, bitumen coating, tar surface etc. It can be used safely in all roof insulation on a wide variety of
Approximately 1.5-2 kg/m² for 2 coats
18 Kg Plastic Bucket