DescriptionReviews Description It works with 220 voltsLight sensitivity percentage: 10 luxDuring the time of the circle: between 5 to 7+2 minutesFlotation energy: 1200WMovement discovery: up to 12 meters (indexed to temperature)Cognitive angle: 120 - 360 degreesThe high use of use: 2 - 4 metersImagination time: 0.5 - 1.5 secondsToday, the automatic sensors used in all buildings, including the outdoor interior space;It prevents unnecessary electricity consumption because it stimulates energy depending on movement.Depending on the need, the energy flow remains activated and when your business is completed, the system and the energy cut off.It provides great savings in the long run, so automatic sensors prefer in many structures, especially apartments. Reviews Be the first to review this item There are no reviews yet