Amber Chestnut Honey is a type of honey with a sharp taste, intense flavor and rich content, compiled from the flowers of chestnut trees in the Marmara Region and the Black Sea coast.
Although chestnut honey is popularly known as bitter honey or crazy honey, it is a different honey.
Chestnut honey is visually distinguishable from other honeys.
It has different physical properties compared to other honey.
It contains sweet, astringent and bitter tastes at the same time and leaves an intense taste in the mouth when tasted.
Chestnut honey is brown and has a dense consistency.
Its pH value is higher than other flower honeys.
It also has a high vitamin value because it contains vitamins B and C.
Chestnut honey has an extra rich structure compared to other honeys, with a high rate of iron (Fe), potassium (K) minerals, C and complex B vitamins.
The daily consumption amount is one teaspoon each in the morning and evening.