There is a 6A automatic fuse at the electrical input.
There is a membrane keypad on the body. There are LEDs connected to each button on the keypad that indicate active or passive status.
The unit can be turned on and off with the power button on the membrane. AC-DC power supply and socket electricity can be turned on and off with the power supply and socket buttons.
The unit has an AC and DC regulated 7A power supply.
There is an “AC/DC” selection button on the power supply membrane keypad. The selection is shown on the information screen. The selection is also indicated by the LED on the membrane.
The voltage on the power supply can be increased or decreased in the range of 0-15V, in 0.5V steps, with the “+” and “-” buttons on the membrane. The selections are shown on the information screen.
Power supply AC and DC outputs will be short circuit protected. In case of a short circuit, the device protects itself by turning on the warning LED on the membrane.
Additionally, this situation is shown on the information screen.
The power supply can operate for 2 hours at full load.
The load regulation of the power supply is maximum +- 75mV in DC.
The power supply noise factor is more than 100mV at DC."