Wall cladding product from ceramic bricks; In addition to providing a modern architectural appearance to your walls through manifestations
of concrete panels in various shapes, they protect the applied area from external effects and provide thermal insulation, such as other wall
coverage products.
Due to the use of silica sand in its content, corrosion resistance is at the highest level.
Patent and patented ceramic wall coverage products and are produced in Turkey.
The entire organic products group are naturally resistant to fire and does not contain industrial materials.
Thanks to the special processors applied to its surfaces, it does not constitute dust and water resistant, and does not absorb water.
They are odorless products.
Clinker blocks colored with oxide dyes are suitable for internal and external conditions.
Thanks to the surface -applied processes, spill, dust or leakage does not occur.
It is waterproof and UV resistant.
WEIGHT: 28kg