DescriptionReviews Description Product Description: A wall of decorative bricks, favorite in many fields due to being much lighter than real bricks, affordable prices interms of cost and industry, maintains its colors for many years, home decor, office decor, bedroom decor, etc. It is a product fordecorating walls.The average weight of a square meter ranges between 20 and 25 kilograms. It contains the pumice sand (pumice); Provides sound insulation andthermal insulation. It has no harm to human health. Thanks to the high -strength cement in its structure, the implanted brick is veryresistant to external forces. Cultural brick thickness ranges between 1 cm and 2.5 cm depending on its strength. Due to the fish, there isalmost no loss of the space to be decoratedDimensions: 28 * 6 * 28.5 * 6.5 cmWeight: 19kgTHICKNESS: 2cm – 1.5cmJOINT SPACING: 1.80cmBOX CONTENTS: 1 m2 Reviews Be the first to review this item There are no reviews yet