DescriptionReviews1 Description FEATURES:It has extremely high mechanical strength.It is UV Resistant.When applied, it creates a one-piece waterproofing layer that does not allow for joint formation or the possibility of leakage.Easy to apply.It maintains its transparency even after years.Since it is a pure polyurethane, it can come into contact with water continuously.Heat resistance performance in wide temperature range is between -40° C and +80° C.Even if the waterproofing layer is damaged in any way, the damaged part can be easily repaired in a short time.It is resistant to alkali and chemicals.USAGE AREAS:Terraces And BalconiesCeramic SurfacesGlass SurfacesNatural Stone And ConcreteCONSUMPTION:0.500 – 0.750 Kg/m² for each floorTotal theoretical consumption 1.00 – 1.50 Kg/m²PACKAGING:4 KG tin packaging20 KG tin packaging Reviews Be the first to review this item There are no reviews yet