- Our robot is specially produced for the use of preschool students.
- with our robot Game supported by giving the basics of coding education; sorting, debugging, algorithm creation etc.
- Topics can be covered.
- 3 separate activity mats are provided with our robot.
- These are Professions, Animal Kingdom, Star Trek activity mats.
- After the robot's on-off switch is turned to position 1 as shown in the Back Drawing, the robot's lights will flash 2 times.
- Our robot is ready to code.
- Coding is done for the given tasks with the help of the buttons below.
- Top Drawing-2 Forward Movement Button
- Top Drawing-3 Left Movement Button
- Top Drawing-4 Right Movement Button
- Top Drawing-5 Wait Button
- Top Drawing-6 Back Movement Button
- Top Drawing-7 Play Button
- Top Drawing-8 Delete Button
- Forward and backward buttons move our robot 1 unit forward or backward on the mat.
- Right and left buttons turn our robot right or left at 90 degree angles.
- The Wait button makes our robot wait in place for 3 seconds.
- With the Play button, the processed codes are run sequentially.
- If incorrect coding was done during programming, the memory is deleted with the Delete button.
- Our robot automatically deletes its memory after processing the codes.
- To make a new algorithm, you can start by pressing any of the action buttons.
- Algorithm is a way designed to solve a certain problem or achieve a certain goal.
- In computer science, they are sequential operations defined to do a job, starting from an initial state and ending in a clearly defined final state.
- Our robot looks towards the "Nurse" from the frame where the "Software Developer" is located.
- We want to take it to the frame where the “pilot” is.
- We can write numerous Algorithms like shown below to define this path.
- All of these algorithms achieve the result we want.
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